If I Stop Exercising Will I Gain Weight?

Many people want an answer to this question, will I gain weight after I stop exercising? To understand it better, let us go ahead and check out the complete post. Putting end to your daily workout routine has certain disadvantages and will increase your chronic diseases risk. 

Becoming sedentary while you were working out causes many changes to the body – so it affects how you feel and look. Luckily, whether you cease exercise because of the illness, injury, scheduling conflict, and change in motivation, you will get back on right track.

Doesn’t matter how much you are committed to the weight loss program, sometimes life gets in a way and you’re forced to skip your regular workout routine. It is simple to picture your hard work getting down the drain when you are sick in a bed or working out late. Nothing to worry about, however — missing a day of exercise will not cause your weight loss to get rushing back, and nor it will derail your whole progress. Providing you get back in the swing, you will take off without feeling much guilty.

If I Stop Exercising Will I Gain Weight?

Weight Gain and Weight Loss – What Do You Need to Know?

In order to gain weight, it is important to maintain a proper diet that is very high in calories and must be more than the energy used by your body for everyday activities. Thus, it is important to eat higher calories than you actually spend. Such calorie surplus is required to increase weight. In the same way, to lose weight, it is important to maintain the calorie deficit that is calorie consumed from food must be lesser than everyday calorie requirement and calorie spend by your body.

Loss of Your Muscle Mass

It may not be visible instantly but you can notice changes in the muscles (weaker and smaller muscles) after quitting your high-intensity workout and weight training. The study published in Clinical Physiology & Functional Imaging revealed detraining time of 12 weeks will result in reduced muscle mass & lower muscular strength. But, it stated that a person will regain it fast after retraining as muscles have memory. So, after you stop exercising, you will first lose endurance and power and after that your strength. You will notice this when picking up heavy groceries; when you can carry weight, you will get tired quicker than before.

Here’re a few tips that will help to minimize the negative consequences of stopping your exercise schedule if you are not forced to stop exercising for an extended time period:

  • Cross-train and try out “light” activities, which is not a part of the usual regimen, like yoga, walking, and bike rides.
  • Try our chair workout and add stairs to our daily routine.
  • Scale back the workout schedule in case time is an issue. 
  • Try 1 to 2 sessions a week, break the workout into shorter sessions, and include some sessions of high-intensity training.
  • Try to work on unaffected muscle groups in case you have stopped exercising because of an injury like a broken bone and ruptured tendon.
  • Maintain better nutrition when consuming enough protein to reduce muscle loss.

Whereas your BMI might not be representative for all types of body – like for some – it is used for building the semi-accurate representation of tissue mass.


Diets are unrealistic and restrictive that leading to weight regain. But, there are many changes that you need to make to the habits that are simple to stick to and can help you to maintain the weight loss in a long term.

Through this journey, you will come to know that controlling weight involves more than you eat. Sleep, exercise, and mental health play an important role.

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